No Game No Life is a surreal comedy that follows Sora and Shiro, shut-in NEET siblings and the online gamer duo behind the legendary username "Blank." They view the real world as just another lousy game; however, a strange e-mail challenging them to a chess match changes everything—the brother and sister are plunged into an otherworldly realm where...[ More ]
Animoon is the best site to watch No Game, No Life SUB online, or you can even watch No Game, No Life DUB in HD quality. You can also find Madhouse anime on Animoon website.
Japanese: ノーゲーム・ノーライフ
Synonyms: No Game, No Life
Aired:Apr 9, 2014 to Jun 25, 2014
Duration: 23m
Score: 8.24
Status: Finished Airing
Premiered: Spring 2014
Producers:Frontier Works, Media Factory, Movic, AT-X, Madhouse, Sentai Filmworks,