Taking place in the near future, Akira Mizutame, a brilliant young scientist who developed Salt, a robot that assists people in their daily lives, finds himself at a dead end after a series of failed inventions. When a friend suggests he could "power up" his personal life by creating a girlfriend. He develops an artificial partner, "No. 0," who qui...[ More ]
Animoon is the best site to watch Make a Girl SUB online, or you can even watch Make a Girl DUB in HD quality. You can also find Yasuda Genshou Studio by Xenotoon anime on Animoon website.
Japanese: メイク ア ガール
Aired:Jan 31, 2025
Duration: ?m
Score: ?
Status: Not yet aired
Premiered: Winter 2025
Producers:Sonilude, Kadokawa, Kadokawa Animation,
Studios:Yasuda Genshou Studio by Xenotoon