Lalabel is a magical girl who arrives in the Human world to stop an evil wizard from stealing various magical objects or items. As a magical girl, she has a kitty for a companion and a magic wand. Coincidentally, she lands on the doorstep of the Tachibana couple and lives in with them during her stay in the human world. She attends the local school...[ More ]
Animoon is the best site to watch [RAW] Mahou Shoujo Lalabel SUB online, or you can even watch [RAW] Mahou Shoujo Lalabel DUB in HD quality. You can also find Toei Animation anime on Animoon website.
Japanese: 魔法少女ララベル
Synonyms: [RAW] Mahou Shoujo Lalabel
Aired:Feb 15, 1980 to Feb 27, 1981
Duration: 24m
Score: 6.35
Status: Finished Airing
Premiered: Winter 1980
Producers:Toei Animation,
Studios:Toei Animation