Appleseed takes place in the aftermath of World War III, where the General Management Control Office has constructed the experimental city known as Olympus. Built to be a paradise on Earth, Olympus is inhabited by humans, cyborgs, and bioroids (genetically engineered humans designed for increased physical capabilities and decreased emotional capabi...[ More ]
Animoon is the best site to watch Appleseed SUB online, or you can even watch Appleseed DUB in HD quality. You can also find Gainax anime on Animoon website.
Japanese: アップル・シード
Aired:Apr 21, 1988
Duration: 1h 6m
Score: 6.62
Status: Finished Airing
Premiered: Season: ?
Producers:Bandai Visual, TBS, Movic, Tohokushinsha Film Corporation, Gainax, Discotek Media, Manga Entertainment,