Miyo Sasaki is an energetic high school girl who comes from a broken family consisting of her unconfident father and an overly invested stepmother, whose attempts at connecting with Miyo come across as bothersome. Seeing Kento Hinode as a refuge from all her personal issues, she can't help herself from forcing her unorthodox demonstrations of love ...[ More ]
Animoon is the best site to watch A Whisker Away SUB online, or you can even watch A Whisker Away DUB in HD quality. You can also find Studio Colorido anime on Animoon website.
Japanese: 泣きたい私は猫をかぶる
Synonyms: A Whisker Away
Aired:Jun 18, 2020
Duration: 1h 44m
Score: 7.44
Status: Finished Airing
Premiered: Summer 2020
Producers:Fuji TV, Toho, BS Fuji, TOHO animation, Universal Music Japan, Fuji Creative, Kadokawa, KDDI, Twin Engine, Dentsu Meitetsu Communications, FILMONY, Studio Colorido,
Studios:Studio Colorido